Welcome to the Hello C.S. Dorsey Podcast
Your one-stop shop for all things motivating while on your entrepreneurial journey. Feeling stuck in your business or don’t know where to start?
Don’t worry we’ve got you covered!
Listen to some of the leading women in today’s industry who have been there before to help guide you on your path.
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Ep# 7: How Lovely Abbot Takes Action In Her Life And Business
Lovely Abbott is a mom based in Florida and the owner of Lovely Abbot Virtual Solutions. Creative Branding and Social Media are her core services offered to entrepreneurs. She runs her business from home, all at the same time being a full-time wife and a mom.
Her business helps women entrepreneurs dig deeper into their own unique story, and use it to create effective branding that sets them apart.
Ep# 5: Get The Fog Out: Writers Block And How To Get Unstuck
So you’re in the middle of a creative masterpiece, and then it hits you… an inventive standstill, writer’s cramp, writer’s spasm, mental fog, or what most people call writer’s block.
So now what? How do you get back in your grove?
Ep# 4: Why Are You Staring At Blank Pages?
n this episode, we are going to dive into the mindset of writing and what is keeping you from getting started.
I choose this topic because I know so many of you want to learn how to get started writing but let me be honest…mindset is everything.
Ep# 3: Mindset Is Everything STOP Overthinking Things
Just type a sentence! e can over-think things a little bit too much.
“Well, I'm going to write this sentence but I have to make sure that there are capital letters. I have to make sure there are quotation marks, make sure it is there's a comma, and period.” STOP IT!
Don't worry about it. Write something down and put it on paper.