Ep. #26: How Would You Show Up If You Didn't Take Things Personally? With Barbara Maisonet



Whether coaching service professionals or moms (known as the ultimate service providers), Barbara acts as a mirror, allowing her clients to see the reflection of their strengths and weaknesses and how their belief patterns and current habits in their lives impact their health, relationships and career so that powerful changes can be made, and as a result, they can create the life they want to live.

Barbara has worked with medical professionals and entrepreneurs, CEO’s and managers, professional singers, photographers, and parents, investors and real estate agents…all of whom took the initiative to radically change their lives.

As a graduate of Accomplishment Coaching, which is one of the top training programs available today, Barbara has a knack for asking the kinds of questions that allow others to move beyond their own belief patterns and dis-empowering habits, face their fears and frustrations, & then, create dynamic transformational change in their lives. Barbara, as founder created Barbara Maisonet Inc. with those objectives in mind.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Leveling up in your business

  2. Adding an Accountability Coach/Partner

  3. Having someone to hold you accountable

  4. Practice taking nothing Personally

  5. How would you show up if you didn't take things personally

WHERE TO FIND Barbara Maisonet

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Email


1 hr coaching strategy session for the gifted rate of $97.


Ep. #27: RESTORED Your Journey From Loss To Life With Marilyn Willis


Ep. #25: Finding Peace Through Pain With Michelle E. Watson